First Game Dev Post – Simple 2D Fighter

As this is the first post I’d like to keep it simple. This is a very simple game I developed last weekend just for fun and giggles. It is a 2D fighter game in Unity3D, similar to mortal combat. The game is targeted for Android phones and I’m not planning to extend it or anyting, its just a one off and I’ll explain in a bit why.

I’ve a very close group of friends that can be annoying at times and since they live far away I basically decided to create this game where I can fight them lol. So here are the requirements I set out with:

  1. Game should have my group of 8 friends including me as playable characters.
  2. Game will have 1 v 1 fight with one player and one NPC
  3. Player assets should resemble my friends
  4. Easy GUI nothing too complex

So, with these requirements I set out to find free assets to prototype. Using this simple 2D character controller with animations and collision I quickly made a 1v1 scene. Then the hard part, creating assets for my friends. For that I used google photos to find the most funniest faces my friends made and used them as my character faces. Yeah real faces lol! Add a bit of on sceen controls and a very basic enemy AI and I have this following stupid game!

Screen Capture

Well as you can see it is as crude as it gets, I think I might add more to the game later on as my friends really love it! But for now this is it.

I really had a lot of fun making this. Only part I really didnt like were creating clothes for each character and cropping faces (6 faces per person so 6 x 8 faces to create), but final output and my friends delight to kick each others ass was all worth it!

Let me know if you’d like a quick tutorial on how to build this for your friends!


Would you like a game where you can select images of your friends and add or delete players on this app?

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